Research Projects (2002-03)
Identifying Number
Project Title
Asset Management of Roadway Signs through Advanced Technology
North Dakota State UniversityProject Investigator
Kellee Kruse
Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
North Dakota State University
(701)231-7230 or Fax (701)231-1945
External Project Contact
Gary Berreth
North Dakota Department of Transportation
608 East Boulevard
Bismarck, ND 58505
Project Objective
To develop a system of collecting, locating, and analyzing signs for maintenance and replacement.
Project Abstract
For many years, state and local jurisdictions have developed field systems to monitor and track their street sign inventories. The current methodology is both arcane and cumbersome. Sign inspectors are required to complete and enter an onerous system of forms on the signs which they are evaluating and inspecting. The proposed research project will take current technology in the form of PDAs and GPS units to accomplish field data collection necessary for managing sign inventory. The system will also contain all of the current sign management information on the PDA with the capacity for field data analysis and reporting.
Task Descriptions
- Develop a handheld system with GIS capability for sign management analysis.
- Develop an analysis package for maintenance programmers to use to determine optimum programs of sign maintenance and replacement.
- Develop a reporting package which displays current sign conditions on the internet.
Milestones, Dates
- Starting Date: July 1, 2002
- Ending Date: June 30, 2002
Yearly and Total Budget
Student Involvement
One or two undergraduate student interns may be employed to assist in research and programming.
Relationship to Other Research Projects
GIS/GPS technology developed in the MPC project "Leveraging Existing Technology Investments - Integration of GPS and GIS Technology" will be used in this project.
Technology Transfer Activities
Field data collections and reporting software; Asset management analysis software for sign maintenance programs.
Potential Benefits of the Project
More cost effective methods for low volume sign management data collection and reporting. Greater utilization of personal productivity tools for field operators. Advanced asset management tools fielded as simple systems for low volume road and maintenance managers.
TRB Keywords
Sign inventory, GPS, GIS, maintenance management