Research Projects (2002-03)
Identifying Number
Project Title
Economics of Ride Quality on Low Volume Roads
North Dakota State UniversityProject Investigator
Dennis Jacobson
Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
North Dakota State University
(701)231-7766 or Fax (701)231-1945
External Project Contact
Gary Berreth
North Dakota Department of Transportation
608 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505
(701)328-4408 or Fax (701)328-1420
Project Objective
Determine the impacts of current NDDOT design and construction practices on initial ride quality and subsequent pavement performance; the economic impact of initial ride quality values on pavement performance for two case studies; economic value of initial ride quality for the two case studies; the specification and design adjustments necessary to achieve uniform pavement life and high ride quality in new bituminous pavements; the utility of ground penetrating radar to the designer and roadway manager; the utility and impact of string line base trimming on initial ride quality; and the feasibility of optimization techniques in developing new pavement depth strategies for non-homogeneous subgrades.
Project Abstract
Many transportation organizations are struggling with the issues of pavement quality, especially at the time of initial construction. Incentives and dis-incentives have been established in many states but there is little consistency between them. Current agency design practices may contribute more to ride quality than other factors such as initial ride numbers. Little research has been done to determine how much initial ride quality is worth to an agency as compared to other pavement factors. Analysis of two case studies are proposed to research these and provide answers or guidance to road managers at all levels.
Task Descriptions
- Task 1 – Determine effectiveness of current NDDOT design and construction specifications on initial bituminous ride quality utilizing falling weight deflectometer, ground penetrating radar and inertial profiler technology.
- Task 2 – Determine the economic impact of initial ride quality on two case studies of reconstructed bituminous pavements and the value of initial ride quality for the same cases.
- Task 3 – Determine specifications and design changes necessary to achieve more uniform design life and ride quality for bituminous pavements.
- Task 4 – Determine the effectiveness of string line base trimming on initial ride quality.
Milestones, Dates
- Starting Date: July 1, 2002
- Ending Date: June 30, 2003
Yearly and Total Budget
Student Involvement
Undergraduate and graduate students will be utilized for analysis of historical NDDOT ride and FWD data.
Relationship to Other Research Projects
This project relates directly to recent studies conducted by NCHRP and MPC on ride quality initiatives and states' procedures for achieving quality pavements through better designs and smoother pavements.
Technology Transfer Activities
The joint use of ground penetrating radar, falling weight deflectometers, and road profilers to accurately determine pavement thickness for calculating effective pavement life and correlating initial pavement strength with subsequent ride quality will materially assist designers and roadway managers in developing more effective project designs.
Potential Benefits of the Project
More uniform pavement life as a result of placing pavement more effectively and a better understanding of the economics of initial ride quality and pavement life.
TRB Keywords
Economics of ride quality, effective pavement life