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Colorado State University

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The MPC transportation research program at Colorado State University is primarily conducted by faculty and students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering with specializations in structural and geotechnical engineering. Many of our research projects focus on improving the condition of highway transportation infrastructure. For example, our researchers study ways to enhance the design of new infrastructure such as bridges and roads to enhance its durability and resistance to a variety of hazards (floods, earthquakes, etc.), including investigating new structural and geotechnical materials. Our researchers also study methods to assess, repair and manage existing infrastructure assets to most effectively allocate maintenance budgets. We complement this infrastructure research with projects related to safety, sustainability, funding, and construction, and collaborate with CSU researchers in other departments, such as Construction Management. Graduate students interested in transportation can participate the in the integrated transportation systems engineering research program.

Final Report

Seamless Comparative Modeling of Natural Hazards Using the Material... (Oct 2024)

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News Article

New Computer Models Can Help Maximize Impacts of Maintenance... (Dec 2024)

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News Article

CSU Researcher Guo Earns NSF Award to Study Methods of Assessing... (May 2024)

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University Labs / Resources

  • Structural Engineering Laboratory — This laboratory at the CSU Engineering Research Center is home to variety of equipment for testing structural components under a variety of loads and hazards. The laboratory has a unidirectional shaketable, a thermal chamber and heating plates for elevated temperature testing, and numerous frames and actuators of varying capacity.
  • Hydraulic Testing Facilities — The Engineering Research Center is also home to world-class hydraulic and hydrologic testing facilities, including a 33,000 square feet indoor laboratory and a 100 acre adjoining outdoor laboratory.

Department Information

Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
1372 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1372
Phone: (970)491-5048

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050