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Project Details

Title:Developing a Collision Warning and Collision Avoidance System for WYDOT Snowplows
Principal Investigators:Muhammad Tahmidul Haq, Suresh Muknahallipatna, and Khaled Ksaibati
University:University of Wyoming
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-686
RiP #:01838149
RH Display ID:159153
Keywords:crash avoidance systems, light emitting diodes, rear lighting, sensors, snowplows


This study aims at developing a rear-end collision warning and collision avoidance system for snowplow trucks and other maintenance vehicles to maximize the capability of preventing crashes and minimize the severity of crashes. To develop the system, the required number and type of sensors (e.g., rear-facing Lidar or Radar) will be developed and tested on the maintenance vehicles. The potential idea is to have technology that will activate if a vehicle enters within a designated distance behind the maintenance vehicle. Once a vehicle is within this designated area, the LED lights would become larger and brighter than the normal lights on the back. If this did not alert the trailing vehicle behind the maintenance vehicle and it continued to get closer, a warning light with a rear-facing air horn would sound to alert both vehicles. While receiving the warning signal, the plow operator could raise the plow to reduce the disturbance of the snow cloud. This action would allow the oncoming vehicle to see the plow and avoid a collision. In summary, the study seeks to provide a comprehensive information of benefits of using the proposed collision warning and collision avoidance system.

Project Word Files

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