Research Projects (2002-03)
Identifying Number
Project Title
Evaluating the Impact of DOT's QC/QA Programs on Pavement Performance, Year 2
University of WyomingProject Investigator
Khaled Ksaibati
University of Wyoming
External Project Contact
Vicki Bond
Wyoming Department of Transportation
Project Objective
Conduct applied research to evaluate the effect of QC/QA policies on pavement performance.
Project Abstract
Most Department of Transportation (DOTs) have developed and implemented various types of Quality Control /Quality Assurance (QC/QA) programs. Such programs require significant resources to be invested in testing before, during and after finishing the construction of pavement structures. The testing may include aggregate gradation, asphalt content, density of compacted mix, and smoothness of finished surface. The test results are normally utilized by DOTs to calculate the incentives/disincentives based on statistical evaluation and standard procedures. It is important after QC/QA programs have been in place for several years to determine their impact on the overall quality and long-term performance of pavements.
Task Descriptions
- Task 1 – Contact DOTs in the Region 8 to obtain information about their QC/QA programs.
- Task 2 – Select pavement test sections to be included in the experiment from a couple of DOTs other than WYDOT in Region 8.
- Task 3 – Obtain detailed data on the test sections.
- Task 4 – Perform statistical analysis on the data collected.
- Task 5 – Compare the QC/QA practices of DOTs in Region 8.
- Task 6 – Compare the variations of QC/QA data from the selected DOTs in Region 8.
- Task 7 – Deliver a final MPC report summarizing the findings of the study.
- Task 8 – Submit a TRB technical paper.
Milestones, Dates
- Starting Date: July 1, 2002
- Project Milestones:
- Finishing the Analysis: May 31, 2003
- Deliver a final MPC report: June 30, 2003
- Submit a TRB Paper: August 1, 2003
- Ending Date: June 30, 2003
Yearly and Total Budget
Student Involvement
One graduate student; one undergraduate student
Relationship to Other Research Projects
The national survey performed in the first year of this project will help in focusing the tasks of the second year.
Technology Transfer Activities
Transportation Departments in Region 8.
Potential Benefits of the Project
The results of this research can be used to determine the impact of QC/QA policies on the overall performance of pavements. In addition, the findings can justify the costs associated with QC/QA programs.
TRB Keywords
Pavement performance, QC/QA