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Project Details

Title:Why Are Bike-Friendly Cities Safer for All Road Users?
Principal Investigators:Wesley Marshall, Carolyn McAndrews, Krista Nordback, and Bruce Janson
University:University of Colorado Denver
Grant #:DTRT13-G-UTC38 (MAP21)
Project #:MPC-455
Keywords:bicycle travel, cities, cyclists, highway safety, information dissemination, policy analysis, safety education, speed data, travel behavior


This study will: 1) Identify the influence of socio-demographic and socioeconomic changes in cities experiencing a concurrent increase in bicycling and improvement road safety; 2) Characterize the influence of built environment changes in these cities; 3) Investigate the relationship between evolving travel behaviors and overall road safety; 4) Explore potentially novel sources of citywide travel speed data and pilot a study looking at the potential for systematic differences in travel speed with respect to road safety outcomes; 5) Advance knowledge by carrying out analyses to answer research questions 1–4; 6) Advance policy and practice by identifying important explanatory variables with respect to building safer cities; 7) Advance education through the training of students; and 8) Build an evidence base on a novel topic by share findings through publications, presentations, and a project website.

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