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Project Details

Title:Experimental Evaluation of a New Double Composite System for Steel Bridges
Principal Investigators:Hussam Mahmoud
University:Colorado State University
Grant #:DTRT13-G-UTC38 (MAP21)
Project #:MPC-508
RH Display ID:14186
Keywords:bridge decks, continuing education, corrosion, evaluation and assessment, fatigue cracking, flanges, live loads, plate girders, reinforced concrete bridges, service life, steel bridges, welded plates


The overarching primary objective of the proposed research is to experimentally develop and assess a new double composite steel bridge system that allows for the construction of long span bridges using hot rolled steel beams. Various sub-objectives are thought for the complete assessment of the proposed system including: 1) Evaluating the system characteristics including stiffness, strength, and ductility; 2) Assessing the demand in slabs and beams including moment, shear, and deflection under specified AASHTO loading; 3) Comparing the response between the proposed bridge system and conventional bridge superstructures; 4) Evaluating the use of rolled beam sections covering up to 44 inches in height.

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