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Project Details

Title:Updating and Implementing the Grade Severity Rating System (GSRS) for Wyoming Mountain Passes
Principal Investigators:Khaled Ksaibati and Dick T. Apronti
University:University of Wyoming
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-540
RH Display ID:149203
Keywords:braking, downgrades (roads), mountain roads, passes (mountains), trucks, warning systems


The proposed study is aimed at achieving two main goals. First, the FHWA's GSRS model will be updated to reflect the current truck population characteristics. This will be achieved by carrying out field tests with an instrumented vehicle to update parameters in the model that reflect current truck characteristics and braking systems. The second objective of the study is to evaluate Wyoming mountain passes and their warning systems with regard to truck downgrade crashes. By doing this, the best means of communicating with truck drivers to reduce the probability of runaway truck incidences can be recommended.

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NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050