Title: | Traffic Performance Modeling and Planning of Emergency Medical Response in Rural Areas |
Principal Investigators: | Suren Chen |
University: | Colorado State University |
Status: | Completed |
Year: | 2018 |
Grant #: | 69A3551747108 (FAST Act) |
Project #: | MPC-569 |
RH Display ID: | 149942 |
Keywords: | disaster relief, emergency medical services, emergency response time, rural areas, simulation, travel time |
This study will conduct a probabilistic simulation of the traffic performance for emergency medical response in a typical rural region. This project will develop a basic framework to model EMS traffic performance in a typical traffic network in a rural region under several major hazardous events by considering infrastructure interdependency and uncertainties, which can help EMS planning, such as prioritizing the EMS traffic dispatch and strategic selection of location of EMS centers, etc. In the future, more people may be saved due to the more efficient and optimized EMS traffic planning strategy under different hazardous conditions.
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