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Project Details

Title:Local Road Safety Program Evaluation: Perceptions, Experiences & Implementation
Principal Investigators:Kimberly Vachal, Kelly Bengtson, Brad Wentz, and Dale Heglund
University:North Dakota State University
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-602
RH Display ID:154030
Keywords:best practices, geographic information systems, highway safety, implementation, stakeholders, surveys


Sustained efforts to ensure that people and goods can be moved safety and efficiently throughout the road network are essential in attracting businesses and growing communities that enable economic growth. North Dakota local road manager and stakeholder participants in these LRSP will be surveyed to gain insight into safety planning, investments and stakeholder involvement. The LRSP was implemented as a strategy in the 2012 Strategic Highway Safety Plan that was developed by the NDDOT. These plans were completed between 2013 and 2015, so now is an opportune time to revisit the process and outcomes as the NDDOT moves forward with a 2017 update to the SHSP. Safety investments in infrastructure and behavioral interventions and best practices will be presented in a project report. This information will be used to explore their possible integration into GIS-based local road safety management tools.

Project Deliverables

Project Word Files

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050