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Project Details

Title:Loading and Wetting-Induced Settlement of Bridge Approach Embankment Materials
Principal Investigators:Evert Lawton
University:University of Utah
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-607
RiP #:01731455
RH Display ID:14068
Keywords:bridge approaches, deformation curve, embankments, laboratory tests, load tests, settlement (structures), specifications, wetting


It has long been recognized that the "bump at the end of the bridge" problem results from differential settlement between the abutment and the adjacent approach embankment. It is commonly assumed that settlement of the approach embankment is caused exclusively from strains and settlements that occur with the native ground underlying the approach embankment. However, research has shown that significant settlements can also result from long-term loading-induced settlement and/or wetting-induced settlement of the embankment material. In this project, both small and large-scale laboratory one-dimensional loading and wetting-induced settlement tests will be performed on ten selected embankment materials. Results from these tests will be analyzed, and those materials which have significant potential for loading or wetting-induced settlement will be identified. Based on results these tests, recommended revisions to UDOT's current specifications for bridge approach embankments will be provided. In addition, results from small and large-scale tests on nominally identical materials and compaction conditions will be compared to determine the accuracy of small-scale laboratory tests can provide accurate estimates of loading and wetting-induced stress-strain relationships of embankment materials. Valuable information will be provided for all state DOTs regarding the types of embankment materials that are susceptible to significant loading and wetting-induced settlements.

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NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050