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Project Details

Title:State of the Practice of Crash Reporting in the US and Implications for CAV Safety Assessment
Principal Investigators:Michelle Mekker
University:Utah State University
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-660
RH Display ID:159500
Keywords:autonomous vehicles, connected vehicles, crash reports, driver support systems, state of the practice


Connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) are becoming increasingly prevalent in the US, with most new vehicles having some form of Automated Driving System (ADS) or Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). There has been significant research into the possible safety impacts of these vehicles and technologies, most coming to the conclusion that safety will improve. However, most of these studies rely on driving data, simulations, models, or surrogate safety data, which make large-scale application and assessment of current safety implications difficult for state and local transportation agencies. Even in states on the forefront of autonomous vehicle development and testing, such as Utah, there are no mechanisms in crash reporting procedures for documenting CAV-related crashes. The objective of this project is to assess the state of the practice of crash reporting in the US in the context of CAVs. This will be done via a comprehensive review of current crash reporting practices and current guidance and definitions regarding CAV safety and reporting at state, federal, and industry levels. This project is expected to produce a summary of those best practices, definitions, challenges, and knowledge gaps, as well as identify possible recommendations for state agencies regarding CAV crash reporting.

Project Deliverables

Project Word Files

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