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Project Details

Title:Durability and Volumetric Stability of Non-Proprietary Ultra High Performance Concrete Mixes Batched With Locally Sourced Materials
Principal Investigators:Srishti Banerji and Andrew Sorensen
University:Utah State University
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-695
RiP #:01861393
RH Display ID:159656
Keywords:durability, local materials, mix design, ultra high performance concrete


Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) has received widespread attention for its ability to outperform traditional concrete in nearly every aspect. Due to its superior performance, the application of UHPC does not follow the traditional rules and expectations of standard cementitious materials. So far, commercial premixes, such as Ductal®, CEMTEC multi-scale, and CERACEM have dominated the construction industry when it comes to UHPC applications. Although the performance of these UHPC proprietary mixes is exceptional, they are very expensive. To counter this high cost, a significant amount of research has been performed on materials classified as UHPC, including non-proprietary mix designs developed by transportation agencies in other regions. Non-proprietary mix designs developed using locally available materials can result in significant cost savings by eliminating the need to purchase expensive proprietary UHPC mixes from specialized commercial suppliers. The research proposed herein is to examine the durability and volume stability of a locally sourced mix design. These two items are of specific interest to local transportation agencies as the typical application of UHPC is for bridge closure pours.

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NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050