Title: | Traffic Performance Assessment of Disrupted Roadway Networks Following Earthquakes |
Principal Investigators: | Suren Chen |
University: | Colorado State University |
Status: | Completed |
Year: | 2017 |
Grant #: | 69A3551747108 (FAST Act) |
Project #: | MPC-534 |
RH Display ID: | 149920 |
Keywords: | disasters, disasters and emergency operations, earthquakes, emergency management, evaluation and assessment, hazard mitigation, performance measurement, traffic flow |
This project will develop (1) a basic framework to characterize representative scenarios of disrupted transportation network following earthquakes by considering interdependent impacts from other infrastructure categories, and (2) the simulation tool to assess traffic performance of road network at both road and network levels. In the future, more resilient hazard mitigation strategy may be developed based on this study through predicting possible outcome and the optimal strategy to minimize the impact on post-hazard network.
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