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Project Details

Title:Supporting Tribal Crash Data Utilization and Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Effective Traffic Safety Programs
Principal Investigators:Kimberly Vachal, Seguy Tchakounte-Wakem, Kelly Bengtson, Ihsan Ullah Khan, and Ronald Hall
University:North Dakota State University
Grant #:69A3551747108 (FAST Act)
Project #:MPC-566
RH Display ID:15469
Keywords:crash data, crash records, Native Americans, safety programs, traffic safety


Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury for the American Indian population ages 1 to 44. A fundamental aspect in this injury prevention is the ability to select evidence-based interventions based on high-quality data documentation of the injury events. The crash reporting process for four tribes in North Dakota were documented in an earlier Mountain-Plains Consortium study. During that study, researchers were able to supplement the state crash records with crash records held locally by some tribes. In addition, the project provided an opportunity for renewed communications among the crash data stakeholders and the newly named tribal liaison at the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute. While the earlier study documented crash reporting practices for each tribe, unexpected benefits were achieved in the ancillary discussions related to planning, program, and education activities related to the crash data and traffic safety promotion. Objectives here propose a continuation of the crash reporting support as well as performing several small demonstration, assessment and education/outreach tasks that will be documented in the tribal tool box.

Project Deliverables

Project Word Files

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050