Title: | Beneficial Reuse of Landfilled Fly Ash in Transportation Infrastructure |
Principal Investigators: | Mahmoud Shakouri, Khaled Ksaibati, and Chengyi Zhang |
University: | Colorado State University and University of Wyoming |
Status: | Completed |
Year: | 2021 |
Grant #: | 69A3551747108 (FAST Act) |
Project #: | MPC-683 |
RiP #: | 01833026 |
RH Display ID: | 159101 |
Keywords: | admixtures, fly ash, recycled materials |
In this study, researchers from Colorado State University and the University of Wyoming will work jointly with the concrete industry partners in the region to understand the role that landfilled fly ash (LFA) plays in controlling concrete properties in the fresh and hardened state. The overarching goal of this study is to determine if LFA that may not meet the prescriptive limits set forth in ASTM C618 and AASHTO M295 can show adequate performance in service and whether a new classification can be introduced based on their inherent heterogeneity in physicochemical properties and performance data.
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