Year | Project # | Title | Status | University |
2013 | MPC-418 | 400 South Corridor Assessment | Completed | University of Utah |
2022 | MPC-697 | A Microscopic Approach for Electric Vehicle Demand Estimation | Completed | University of Utah |
2022 | MPC-692 | A Risk-Based Framework for Optimizing Inspection Planning of Utah Culverts | Completed | University of Utah |
1999-00 | MPC-184 | Accident Data Availability | Completed | University of Utah |
2000-01 | MPC-210 | Adaptive Signal Control for Downtown Salt Lake City | Completed | University of Utah |
2001-02 | MPC-226 | Adaptive Signal Control for Downtown Salt Lake City, Part II | Completed | University of Utah |
2003-04 | MPC-244 | Adaptive Signal Control III | Completed | University of Utah |
2004-05 | MPC-251 | Adaptive Signal Control IV | Completed | University of Utah |
2006-07 | MPC-284 | Adaptive Signal Control V | Completed | University of Utah |
2000-01 | MPC-209 | Advanced Traffic Management System Evaluation Data Collection Methodology | Completed | University of Utah |
2002-03 | MPC-237 | Affordable Trip Feasibility Scheduling for Rural Paratransit Systems | Completed | University of Utah |
2016 | MPC-529 | Alternative in-situ Water-Cement Meter Using a Parallel-Plate Capacitor Concept | Terminated | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-638 | Analysis of ABC Bridge Column-to-Footing Joints with Recessed Splice Sleeve Connectors | Completed | University of Utah |
2006-07 | MPC-282 | Analysis of the I-15 Express Lane Pilot Project: Salt Lake and Utah County, Part 1A | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-637 | Assessing and Improving Efficiency of Snowplowing Operations via Data and Analytics | Completed | University of Utah |
2008-09 | MPC-314 | Assessing the User Impacts of Fast-Track Highway Construction (ABC), Year 1 | Completed | University of Utah |
2009-10 | MPC-314 | Assessing the User Impacts of Fast-Track Highway Construction (ABC), Year 2 | Completed | University of Utah |
2002-03 | MPC-231 | Automated Data Collection, Analysis, and Archival | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-639 | Automated Image-Based Aircraft Tracking and Record-Keeping for Utah Airports | Completed | University of Utah |
2017 | MPC-543 | Big Transportation Data Analytics | Completed | University of Utah |
2006-07 | MPC-282 | Calibration and Validation of I-15 VISSIM model through a Genetic Algorithm, Part 1B | Completed | University of Utah |
2022 | MPC-698 | Connected Vehicle Winter Safety Improvement with Infrared Thermography Technology | Completed | University of Utah |
2013 | MPC-444 | Data-driven Freeway Performance Evaluation Framework for Project Prioritization and Decision Making | Completed | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-390 | Design and Construction Monitoring of Surcharged Embankment | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-641 | Design and Evaluate Coordinated Ramp Metering Strategies for Utah Freeways | Completed | University of Utah |
2005-06 | MPC-265 | Design/Build vs Traditional Construction User Delay Modeling: An Evaluation of the Cost Effectiveness of Innovative Construction Methods for New Construction | Completed | University of Utah |
2002-03 | MPC-232 | Detector Technology Evaluation | Completed | University of Utah |
2021 | MPC-671 | Development of Dynamic Modulus Parameters from Single Point Tests | Completed | University of Utah |
2016 | MPC-524 | Development of Next Generation Liquefaction Database for Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spread | Completed | University of Utah |
2014 | MPC-465 | Development of Performance Matrices for Evaluating Innovative Intersections and Interchanges | Completed | University of Utah |
2016 | MPC-525 | Does Cell Phone Use Impair Learning and Improvement in Driving Performance? | Completed | University of Utah |
2009-10 | MPC-322 | Driver Simulation | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-609 | Durable Bridges Using Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Columns | Completed | University of Utah |
2015 | MPC-492 | Early-Age Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Properties for Overlays | Completed | University of Utah |
2004-05 | MPC-253 | Effectiveness of Traveler Information Systems | Completed | University of Utah |
2013 | MPC-420 | Environmentally Benign Extraction of Bitumen from Oil Sands for Pavement Binder | Terminated | University of Utah |
2002-03 | MPC-233 | Evaluate Effectiveness of Dilemma Zone Advanced Signal Warning | Completed | University of Utah |
2000-01 | MPC-211 | Evaluating and Improving the Safety of Pedestrian Crossing in Utah | Completed | University of Utah |
2022 | MPC-699 | Evaluating Different Methods for Estimating Queue Length on Access Ramps | Completed | University of Utah |
2008-09 | MPC-313 | Evaluation of LRT and BRT Impact on Traffic Operations in Salt Lake City Metropolitan Region, Year 1 | Completed | University of Utah |
2009-10 | MPC-313 | Evaluation of LRT and BRT Impact on Traffic Operations in Salt Lake City Metropolitan Region, Year 2 | Completed | University of Utah |
2007-08 | MPC-289 | Evaluation of Optimal Traffic Monitoring Station Spacing on Freeways | Completed | University of Utah |
1999-00 | MPC-186 | Evaluation of Road Weather Information System (RWIS) Data and Dissemination of Data to Public | Completed | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-392 | Evaluation of Spliced Sleeve Connections for Precast Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers | Completed | University of Utah |
2001-02 | MPC-225 | Evaluation of the I-15 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes | Completed | University of Utah |
2007-08 | MPC-290 | Evaluation of Transit Signal Priority Strategies for Bus Rapid Transit Project on 3500 South Street in Salt Lake County, UT | Completed | University of Utah |
2013 | MPC-419 | Experimental and Numerical Study for the Debonding Interface Between an Existing Pavement and a New Concrete Overlay | Completed | University of Utah |
2017 | MPC-542 | Exploratory Modeling and Analysis for Automated Vehicles in Utah | Completed | University of Utah |
2007-08 | MPC-282 | Express Lane Genetic Algorithm Microsimulation Evaluation, Part 2 | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-635 | Field Evaluation of Geogrid-Reinforced Pavement Systems on Soft Subgrades | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-611 | Field Performance of Asphalt Mixtures Based on Flexibility Index Results | Completed | University of Utah |
2017 | MPC-546 | Field Performance of Asphalt Pavements at Low and Intermediate Temperatures | Completed | University of Utah |
2014 | MPC-466 | First and Last Mile Strategies for Transit Systems | Completed | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-389 | Flex Lane Driver Analysis | Terminated | University of Utah |
2003-04 | MPC-246 | High Occupancy Vehicle Evaluation II | Completed | University of Utah |
2004-05 | MPC-252 | High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes Evaluation III | Completed | University of Utah |
2013 | MPC-422 | Highway Structures Supported on Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Embankment without Deep Foundations | Completed | University of Utah |
2016 | MPC-528 | Hotspot and Sampling Analysis for Effective Maintenance Management and Performance Monitoring | Completed | University of Utah |
2019 | MPC-588 | Hybrid Bridge Bents Using Post-tensioned Precast Columns for Accelerated Bridge Construction in High Seismic Regions | Completed | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-388 | I-15 Express Lane Dynamic Pricing Assessment | Terminated | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-606 | Image-Based 3D Reconstruction of Utah Roadway Assets | Completed | University of Utah |
2019 | MPC-590 | Impact of Connected Vehicle Technology on Traffic Safety under Different Highway Geometric Designs | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-610 | Impact of Regulatory Hybrid Changeable Message Sign on Traffic Safety under Different Freeway Geometric Designs | Completed | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-391 | Implementation of Low Temperature Test for Asphalt Mixtures to Improve the Longevity of Road Surfaces | Completed | University of Utah |
2014 | MPC-469 | Improving Efficiency and Reliability of Bus Rapid Transit | Completed | University of Utah |
1999-00 | MPC-185 | Incident Detection Algorithm Evaluation | Completed | University of Utah |
2015 | MPC-493 | Incorporating Maintenance Costs and Considerations into Highway Design Decisions | Completed | University of Utah |
2021 | MPC-669 | Intelligent Safety Assessment of Rural Roadways Using Automated Image and Video Analysis | Completed | University of Utah |
2000-01 | MPC-212 | Intelligent Transportation Systems Course Development | Completed | University of Utah |
2021 | MPC-657 | Knowledge-Based Machine Learning for Freeway COVID-19 Traffic Impact Analysis and Traffic Incident Management | Completed | North Dakota State University, University of Utah |
2017 | MPC-544 | Lifecycle Assessment Using Snowplow Trucks' Automatic Vehicle Location Data | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-607 | Loading and Wetting-Induced Settlement of Bridge Approach Embankment Materials | Completed | University of Utah |
2015 | MPC-490 | Longevity of Air Pollution Mitigating Photo-Catalytic Coatings on Transportation Infrastructure | Terminated | University of Utah |
2019 | MPC-586 | Mitigation of Differential Settlement at Highway Bridge Approaches | Active | University of Utah |
2021 | MPC-668 | Mobile Phone-Based Artificial Intelligence Development for Maintenance Asset Management | Completed | University of Utah |
2022 | MPC-700 | Numerical Analysis of ABC Hybrid Bridge Bents Constructed with Hybrid Reinforcement | Completed | University of Utah |
2021 | MPC-670 | Numerical Simulation of Strengthening of Bridge Decks with Partial-Depth Precast Deck Panels | Completed | University of Utah |
2000-01 | MPC-213 | Paratransit Coordination for Rural Communities | Completed | University of Utah |
2014 | MPC-468 | Performance Evaluation of Highway Surface Treatments, Phase I: Short-Term Performance | Completed | University of Utah |
2015 | MPC-496 | Prevention of Low Temperature Cracking of Pavements | Completed | University of Utah |
2022 | MPC-701 | Relation between Dynamic Modulus of Asphalt Material and Its Cracking Tolerance | Completed | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-406 | Risk- and Reliability-Based Approaches to Analyzing Road Geometric Design Criteria | Completed | University of Utah |
2015 | MPC-495 | Safety Effects of Protected and Protected/Permitted Left-Turn Phases | Completed | University of Utah |
2010-11 | MPC-360 | Safety Impacts of Design Exceptions in Utah | Completed | University of Utah |
2009-10 | MPC-321 | Salt Lake City Internship | Terminated | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-404 | Seismic Performance of Concrete Filled Steel Tube Bridge Columns For Accelerated Bridge Construction | Completed | University of Utah |
2013 | MPC-421 | Seismic Rehabilitation of Skewed and Curved Bridges Using a New Generation of Bulking Restrained Braces | Completed | University of Utah |
2016 | MPC-526 | Seismic Repair of Concrete Wall Piers Using CFRP Active Confinement | Completed | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-405 | Seismic Retrofit of Spliced Sleeve Connections for Precast Bridge Piers | Completed | University of Utah |
2006-07 | MPC-283 | Seismic Vulnerability and Emergency Response Analyses of UDOT Lifelines | Completed | University of Utah |
2017 | MPC-545 | Self-Centering Bridge Bent for Accelerated Bridge Construction in Seismic Regions | Completed | University of Utah |
2015 | MPC-491 | Self-Centering Buckling Restrained Braces for Curved Bridges | Completed | University of Utah |
2014 | MPC-467 | Self-Regulation and Distraction | Completed | University of Utah |
2015 | MPC-494 | Statistical Analysis and Sampling Standards for Maintenance Management Quality Assurance | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-636 | Strategic Deployment of Drone Centers and Fleet Size Planning for Drone Delivery in Utah | Completed | University of Utah |
2016 | MPC-527 | Strategic Planning and Design for Electric Bus Systems | Completed | University of Utah |
2000-01 | MPC-208 | Surface Street Level of Service Using Existing Detector Infrastructure | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-640 | Testing of Field Cores to Determine Performance of Asphalt Mixture Performance Parameter | Completed | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-407 | The Effect of Multi-tasking on Self-Assessments of Driving Performance Center for the Prevention of Distracted Driving | Completed | University of Utah |
2021 | MPC-672 | The Feasibility of Promoting Local Rail Vibrations Using Electromechanical Impedance Method | Completed | University of Utah |
2020 | MPC-608 | The Impact of the Mobility as a Service Mode on Transit Access | Completed | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-393 | Traffic Modeling of Transit Oriented Development | Completed | University of Utah |
2010-11 | | Transit Conference | Completed | University of Utah |
2019 | MPC-587 | Use of Geogrid in Pavement Systems to Provide Longer Service Life and Reduced Maintenance | Completed | University of Utah |
2019 | MPC-589 | Use of the IDEAL-CT Test for Pavement Cracking to Achieve a Balanced Asphalt Mix Design | Completed | University of Utah |
2007-08 | MPC-288 | Utah Department of Transportation Traffic Operations Center Operator Training, Year 1 | Completed | University of Utah |
2008-09 | MPC-288 | Utah Department of Transportation Traffic Operations Center Operator Training, Year 2 | Completed | University of Utah |
2009-10 | MPC-288 | Utah Department of Transportation Traffic Operations Center Operator Training, Year 3 | Completed | University of Utah |
2010-11 | MPC-288 | Utah Department of Transportation Traffic Operations Center Operator Training, Year 4 | Completed | University of Utah |
2004-05 | MPC-254 | Utah Intersection Safety: Issues, Contributing Factors and Mitigations | Completed | University of Utah |
2003-04 | MPC-245 | Video Imaging System Evaluation | Completed | University of Utah |
2012 | MPC-403 | Web-Based Decision Support Tool for Traffic Management and Work Zone Analysis | Completed | University of Utah |