Year | Project # | Title | Status | University |
2013 | MPC-434 | A Bicycle Network Analysis Tool for Planning Applications in Small Communities | Completed | Utah State University |
2015 | MPC-480 | A Comprehensive Safety Assessment Methodology for Innovative Geometric Designs | Completed | Utah State University |
2012 | MPC-363 | A Two-Stage Approach for Estimating a Statewide Truck Trip Table | Completed | Utah State University |
2022 | MPC-694 | Calibrating Ground Response Analyses beneath an Instrumented Bridge Using the I-15 Borehole Array and Ground Motions from the Magna Earthquake | Completed | Utah State University |
2015 | MPC-477 | Characterizing the Ductility of Portland Cement Stabilized Soil | Active | Utah State University |
2012 | MPC-362 | Develop Design Guidelines for Integral Abutment Bridges | Completed | Utah State University |
2014 | MPC-464 | Development of Network-Based Measures and Computational Methods for Evaluating the Redundancy of Transportation Networks | Completed | Utah State University |
2012 | MPC-364 | Do Changing Prices Portend a Shift in Fuel Consumption, Diminished Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Lower Fuel Tax Revenue? | Completed | Utah State University |
2022 | MPC-695 | Durability and Volumetric Stability of Non-Proprietary Ultra High Performance Concrete Mixes Batched With Locally Sourced Materials | Completed | Utah State University |
2020 | MPC-634 | Durable and Constructible Materials in Glass Reinforced Concrete to Efficiently Shape Magnetic Fields | Completed | Utah State University |
2021 | MPC-661 | Environmentally Sustainable Accelerated Partial Bridge Deck Concrete Removal Methods Analysis | Completed | Utah State University |
2021 | MPC-659 | Equitable Deployment of Wireless Charging Lanes in Transportation Networks | Active | Utah State University |
2020 | MPC-624 | Evaluating the Impacts of Deploying Automated Roads for Infrastructure-Enabled Autonomous Vehicles | Active | Utah State University |
2014 | MPC-470 | Evaluating Transportation Professional Development and Continuing Education Courses | Completed | Utah State University |
2017 | MPC-562 | Evaluation of Durability and Structural Performance of Concrete with Embedded Inductive Coils | Completed | Utah State University |
2013 | MPC-432 | Finding Innovative Solutions to Prevent Wildlife Access to Highways at Wildlife Guards | Completed | Utah State University |
2017 | MPC-559 | Identifying Effective Travel Behavior Change Strategies for Poor Air Quality Events in Northern Utah | Completed | Utah State University |
2021 | MPC-663 | Impacts of Vehicle Fires on Polymer Concrete Bridge Deck Overlays | Completed | Utah State University |
2021 | MPC-662 | Impacts of Wildfire Smoke and Other Area-Wide Air Pollution on Multimodal Traffic Volumes | Completed | Utah State University |
2014 | MPC-462 | Implementation of Aerial LiDAR Technology to Update Highway Feature Inventory | Completed | Utah State University |
2018 | MPC-580 | Implementation of Precast Concrete Segments for Electrified Roadway | Completed | Utah State University |
2018 | MPC-578 | Integrated Strategic and Operational Planning for a Fast-Charging Battery Electric Bus System | Active | Utah State University |
2019 | MPC-603 | Investigating Bicyclist Safety Perceptions and Behaviors at Roundabouts | Completed | Utah State University |
2015 | MPC-478 | Long-Term Behavior of Precast Concrete Bridges | Completed | Utah State University |
2015 | MPC-479 | Modeling Multi-class Truck Traffic Assignment Method with Different Traffic Restraint Constraints | Active | Utah State University |
2022 | MPC-696 | Numerical Modeling and Parametric Analysis of Grouted Coupler Connections under Varying Impact Loading Conditions | Completed | Utah State University |
2017 | MPC-558 | Optimal Deployment of Dynamic Charging Lanes for Plug-in Hybrid Trucks | Active | Utah State University |
2016 | MPC-513 | Optimal Deployment of Wireless Charging Facilities for an Electric Bus System | Completed | Utah State University |
2022 | MPC-693 | Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Operations Near Transit Stops | Completed | Utah State University |
2016 | MPC-512 | Pre-stress Losses and Development of Short-Term Data Acquisition System for Bridge Monitoring | Completed | Utah State University |
2020 | MPC-621 | Public Perception of the Collection and Use of Connected Vehicle Data | Completed | Utah State University |
2017 | MPC-560 | Rapid Set Cement for Precast Prestressed Bridge Girder Applications | Completed | Utah State University |
2013 | MPC-433 | Real-Time Traffic Management to Maximize Throughput of Automated Vehicles | Completed | Utah State University |
2013 | MPC-435 | Realization of a Coarse Position Verification System for an Automated Highway System | Completed | Utah State University |
2014 | MPC-463 | Rehabilitation Project Selection and Scheduling in Transportation Networks | Completed | Utah State University |
2020 | MPC-623 | Reliability of ABC Grouted Coupler Connected Bridge Piers Subject to Vehicular Impact | Completed | Utah State University |
2017 | MPC-561 | Reliability-Based Assessment of Landslide Risk Along Roadways | Active | Utah State University |
2021 | MPC-660 | State of the Practice of Crash Reporting in the US and Implications for CAV Safety Assessment | Completed | Utah State University |
2018 | MPC-581 | Structural Fiber Reinforcement to Reduce Deck Reinforcement and Improve Long-Term Performance | Completed | Utah State University |
2018 | MPC-577 | Uses and Challenges of Collecting LiDAR Data from a Growing Autonomous Vehicle Fleet: Implications for Infrastructure Planning and Inspection Practices | Completed | Utah State University |
2020 | MPC-622 | Utilizing Traffic Signal Pedestrian Push-Button Data for Planning and Safety Analysis | Completed | Utah State University |